Can you use Bokashi One with worm farms?

Can you use Bokashi One with worm farms?

We get a few questions about our customers wanting to use the fermented kitchen waste from our Bokashi One kitchen composting system in their worm farms and conventional outdoor compost bins. Worm Farms are a great addition to soil in the garden and makes for a comprehensive compost and nutrient rich garden.

So we thought we would address some queries surrounding the use of Bokashi One kitchen composting system and worm farms.

Soil that includes organic matter and microbes encourages the presence of soil organisms, including earthworms.

By following the step by step instructions of the Bokashi One kitchen composting system, you will achieve the fermented waste. Click here 

Ensure that you have drained the liquid from the bucket before removing the waste.

A good sign that your waste is successfully being fermented in the bucket is a subtle smell of pickles or cider vinegar. With longer fermentation, you may notice a white cotton-like fungi growth, this is a good sign, a result of the fermentation process. 

When the Bokashi One Bucket requires emptying, add it gradually to the worm farm.  Do not add a full bucket in one day, the worms need to get use to this new type of waste.   Just add one layer and when most of this waste has been consumed by the worms add another layer, adding more each time, so eventually you would be able to add 1 third to half of a Bokashi One Bucket at a time.   

Generally, it is recommended to not add citrus and onions etc. to worm farms. However, in small amounts we’ve found that they are able to tolerate it when it is part of a range of waste. 

We would love to hear more from you about your composting methods so please let us know!
Here are some other helpful hints for using your Bokashi One bucket:Click Here
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